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Reflection Questions
Welcome to your reflection portal!
Here are some questions that you might find interesting!
Ultimately, we should use the digital as a space to think about the Digital World. Your responses are not collected. Instead, the intention of this page is to prompt some relaxed brainstorming! There are no correct answers to these questions. This is a tool for you to consider your relationship with the Digital World
Feel free to record your thoughts through screenshots or copying your text elsewhere.
Choose a random number 1-50 and begin!

1. How do different generations fear different aspects of the digital world? What fears are common?
What could we design differently?

How could the digital world be designed to be user-friendly across generations?
What could we design differently?

Is history repeating itself with the introduction of new technology or does the digital world bring new concerns?
What could we design differently?

Are there physical concerns for long-term use of the digital world? (ex. Bluelights, eyesight, changed attention span, hearing) How concerned are you and why? Would you like to use the digital world less for the sake of physical health?
What could we design differently?

Are there mental health concerns for long-term use of the digital world? (ex. body image, anxiety) How concerned are you and why? Would you like to use the digital world less for the sake of mental health?
What could we design differently?

What are habits that differentiate a users comfort with the digital world? How comfortable are you with the digital world?
ex. I have noticed people type with their pointers
What could we design differently?

Emojis- Have you noticed that digital communication habits change at rapid rates? I have cycled through various emoji eras. Do you also? Or have you been consistent? What emojis have you gravitated to? What do they say about you? Which ones are over/under rated? If you could design one that would be useful, what would it be?
What could we design differently?

Expressions (ex. lol, jk, omw)- Have you noticed that digital communication habits change at rapid rates? I have cycled through various expressions. Do you also? Or have you been consistent? What expressions have you gravitated to? What do they say about you? Which ones are over/under rated? If you could design one that would be useful, what would it be? Have you observed the use of these expressions outside of the digital? How do you use "lol", "lmao", "haha", "HAH", etc.
What could we design differently?

What are you music habits? How does the accessibility to music alter your habits? How do you choose your music in this Digital Age? How do you listen to it? When do you listen to it? Are you concerned for your ear drums in the long term? How often do you sit in silence?
What could we design differently?

Content Curation and Explore Pages- Mine is: Muay Thai, Tattoos, bakeries around the world… While that is true, there are many other things I would be interested in
What does your content page say about you? How often does your explore page change? Has it ever gotten it completely wrong? I felt I was stuck in interracial couple content for a while. What measures do you take to control your explore page? Would you like it to be more or less accurate? Would you like more randomness?
What could we design differently?

When do you think you’ll be out of touch with the digital world? Is this sentiment generational or a constant to all technologies?
What could we design differently?

How often do you check in on the digital world? How long could you last without? What apps do you find yourself on? Is there anything about your habits that you would like to change? What are you hoping to get out of the digital world when you check?
What could we design differently?

What do you get out of the Digital World? Dopamine hit? Necessary tool? Why the digital world for the dopamine hit?
What could we design differently?

Define what “friend” in all realms means to you. What does it mean on *insert platform name*? How do these two definitions feel conflated? How many “all world” friends do you have? How many digital friends do you have?
The digital world facilitates many relationships. How many of those have been meaningful? If the digital world ended, how many would you stay in touch with?
What could we design differently?

How does capturing the moment change the moment? What do you do with your photos? How have you photo habits changed? When do you capture the moment, finds that it ruins the moment, or appreciate when someone else does? Why the need to capture? How does a photo that you take differ from those taken by others? How long will you carry these photos with you? Who will carry them when you are gone? What if you stopped taking photos, what would happen to your moments? How many photos do you take day to day? How about during special occasions?
What could we design differently?

16. Given the digital footprint and amplitude of photos, how will you be remembered? Do you have any parts of your digital footprint that may alter how you are seen? What will future generations think of you digital content? What will happen to your digital content? How will this affect intergenerational relationships?
What could we design differently?

What % of people you would no longer interact with if it were not for the ease of the Digital World? What would the consequences be if you stop interacting with them?
What could we design differently?

If you gave up the digital world, what would you replace the digital world with? What alternatives would you need to find? Consider the practical (education, news sources, work) and the leisure.
What could we design differently?

How do you receive news? How do you select your sources? How do you assess credibility? What do you learn on the digital world?
What could we design differently?

How often do you create digital content, why? What are your rules for what you share digitally?
What could we design differently?

The digital world is fast moving. How has your patience changed? Consider ads, slow internet, glitches
What could we design differently?

How does the digital world make you a better version of yourself? A worse version? How about society as a whole?
What could we design differently?

There is a push towards AI and bots, do you miss some forms of in person human connection?
What could we design differently?

What are your shopping habits in the digital world? How good are the ads recommended towards you? How often do you use the digital world to shop? What items are better or worse to shop for? Do you spend more or less due to the digital world?
What could we design differently?

How is digital learning different from in person? What are your thoughts on remote learning?
Which lecture would you prefer:
a. Best lecturer takes online video and shares with everyone
b. Many okay lecturers who perform at individual level
What are the individual and societal costs?
Do we get more things out of school than education? If so, what are the limitations of the digital world as an educational tool? What are the benefits?
What could we design differently?
Your thoughts?
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